I wasn’t sure if I was going to blog about my trip to Nosara with the Marist Crew because it was honestly one long, not much remembered, ripping party. However, there were so many cool activities we participated in and the fact that the imprint we left on Playa Guiones in Nosara isn’t anything less than absolute legendary and debauchery; well that’s reason enough to provide you with the tale of 30 Red Foxes taking over a foreign land.
It all commenced when 30 legends assembled at the airport in Liberia, Costa Rica and boarded an unidentified foreign object that shot them to Nosara, and ejected them with a sweet buzz from plenty of Rum shots, Cervezas and mucho turbulence…
This could get lengthy, so I will divide into several main components that can be shared without ramifications from elements in life we’d like to call families, jobs, and our dignity. Enjoy!

Epic Pool Party: I’m not so sure how I can really talk about this without ruining too many lives. Correction, I’m not sure I can talk much about this because very few of us remember the actual contents of the party, but we are pretty sure it got weird. So long story short, this day event was filled with pool games, drinks, floats, football, laughter, and of course, a Marist Red Fox flag blowing in the wind. Oh, and this pool party almost got us all evicted from our rental properties a mere ONE DAY into the trip. Whoops!!

Some of the crew

Darn right, girl

Alli, James and I

Pete's sweet hairdo for the fiesta

Marist College, you'd be so proud!

Pool Party!!!